A Homily - B Cycle - 2011-2012
First Reading - Genesis 22:1-2,
9a, 10-13, 15-18
Psalm - 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19
Second Reading - Romans 8:31b-34
Gospel - Mark 9:2-10
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Mark wrote to explain Christ
to the new Gentile converts.
took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves.
And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such
as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Then Elijah appeared to them
along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus. Then Peter said to
Jesus in reply, "Rabbi, it is good that we are here! Let us make three
tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." He hardly knew
what to say, they were so terrified. Then a cloud came, casting a shadow
over them; from the cloud came a voice, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to
him." Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone
with them.
Is it Easter yet? Lent’s not easy, and Easter is still a ways off, but we got a *taste* of it toady . . . a sneak-peek, if you will. Jesus is TRANSFIGURED, made DAZZLING WHITE, appearing with Elijah and Moses. You know how to apostles responded? SHOCK. SURPRISE. They don’t KNOW what Easter IS yet! This isn’t easy to behold! What is THIS? We’re a little confused here! Kind of like me when I went fishing with my father. When I was younger, Dad would steer the boat and help catch the fish for me. I couldn’t handle it on my own. Once I was about 7 years old, however, it was time . . . *I* was the helmsman, *I* was the master fisherman . . . so off we went . . .
As we were navigating the waters of a nearby lake, and I’m at the helm, I’m steering this outboard motor, where you just move the stick behind you, and it moves. Dad gives me direction – Luke, we’re going to hit a log, turn the boat to the right, please! OK, I push the stick to the right, not knowing the physics of the motor. And the boat heads STRAIGHT toward the log! No, no, turn the stick to the left! But you wanted to turn right? “Exactly!” So I turned the sick to the right! “No, if you want to turn right, you have to turn the stick to the left”. . . wow, I was so confused, but oh well . . . I’m fishing in the lake . . . I get a nibble! Let’s reel ‘er in! Give it slack, Luke . . . but I want to catch the fish! You will, if you give it slack so the hook sets . . . another mystery . . . but I learned!
Such was the confusing art of fishing . . . Turning the rudder to the opposite way, giving SLACK to reel in a fish . . . but then, that’s NOTHING compared to how confused Abraham must have been. He just had made a covenant with the Lord, your descendants shall be more numerous than the stars on the sky or the sand on the seashore! And now, the Almighty makes a demand – Abraham, go up a mountain and give up your Son! What?! Lord, didn’t you just promise me many descendants? Talk about confused! Normally, if there are times when I think directions are not right, don’t make sense, then I’m inclined to hold off on carrying them out. If a ruler were to order me to do something that seems downright *wrong* to me, the naturally, it’s GOOD to disobey! But this isn’t just a human ruler . . . this is God Himself. Dad knew better how to steer and fish, and God knows BEST how Abraham should behave . . . and so Abraham does what? He LISTENS . . . and he obeys.
BECAUSE Abraham listened, Israel became a nation with countless descendants, continuing to the present day. 2000 years later, like Abraham, Christ goes up another mountain with Peter, James and John, and is TRANSFIGURED before them . . . clothes made DAZZLING white . . . a truly magnificent foretaste of Heavenly Gory and Victory over sin and death. What do the three confused apostles do? UNLIKE Abraham, they DON’T listen . . . Lord, how good it is that WE are here! We can make memorials for you! God the Father sends a gentle reminder - this is SON you’re dealing with! Enough talking, LISTEN to Him! By listening, these three would become the first leaders for the Church. By LISTENING, they would convert souls and lead others to Christ. By LISTENING, they would become fishers of men. By LISTENING, they would find salvation. So what do WE need to do this Lent? Listen, yes.
But that’s too easy to say without doing anything. If we want to actually obey and follow our Lord’s plan for us, if we want to LISTEN to Him successfully, then we need to make the best PLACE and the best TIME for Him.
Truly, I can’t think of a better place to listen to our Lord than here in Church, and a better TIME to listen than following Mass. Once the celebrant has led the way out at the end of Mass *which signifies the risen Jesus leading the people out at Easter), once the music has ceased, we can sit for just a couple of moments, and listen to the Lord who is literally WITHIN US after Holy Communion. We can listen to the one who helps us with the most mysterious or incomprehensible things in our lives. We spend this Lent treasuring those moments of silence, ESPECIALLY after MASS, and we follow Peter’s example, by quieting our mouths, and opening our ears and our hearts. Peter was right, it IS good to be HERE! Because Jesus is too . . . and He has much to teach us.
IF we spend some time listening to Him in prayer. If we send just a couple of moments after Mass to listen to the one who’s been TRANSFIGURED into Heavenly RADIANCE, then something’s going to happen , , , we will be transfigured as well . . . so that when others SEE us, HEAR us, they won’t be confused, for they will SEE and HEAR . . . Jesus as we glorify the Lord with our life!