The Baptism
by Rev. Robert J. Hermley
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young mother and father were beaming with joy as they looked at their infant
son. He had just been baptized.
They had watched the priest anoint his forehead with the holy oils, making him a special person, set aside by God.
They looked with love as the candle was given to the Godfather - "the light of Christ" to be kept burning brightly in his little heart.
They knew that the white cloth symbolized his pure soul - to be kept that way by God's teaching and by loyalty to the Church.
Yes, his soul was indeed like a pure white canvas. And for a number of years, everything that was painted upon that canvas would be by their work and their example. The would have to begin this masterpiece of art - their child's soul.
But very soon, they would have to teach his young and tender fingers to take up the paintbrush for himself and finish the great masterpiece they had begun on his baptismal day.
God," they prayed, "help us to give him a good start; make him a very special
person. Keep him faithful to Your commandments and loyal to the Church, so
that one day this masterpiece will be hung in Your gallery of saints in heaven."